
Friday, April 30, 2010

Concept shirt or Maybe she shouldn't have but she did.......

There's a lot of recycling/upcycling going on. It's something I used to do. There was this one time I turned a pair of mens pants into a dress for a teen who's mom thought we were both crazy when she asked if I could and I said, of course! It was cute, in a funky, I don't want to be like anyone else way.

Anyway, I have had this idea in my head and it took the dead line for the 2010 spring top week sponsered by Made By Rae to get me going. I'd already entered this top, but wanted to try and do another.....

Be kind, I started it last night, it didn't turn out like I wanted, I did everything wrong but, it still kinda turned out right.

This was an old long sleeve boxy sort of shirt.

Uh hum, should have thought about it being a gauzy like fabric..... I think the bias cut ruffles are fun though I am not usually a ruffley person. They also hide the fact that I made the shirt too small by tweaking it too far.... oops. Now I'm glad I did cause I love them.

Right before I grabbed Kelly so she could take photos, it started raining. This is the best we got of the back. The fabric is Ta Dot by Micheal Miller. I love it and wish I had more.

I think I'll try this again only I'll give myself a bit more time!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Something for the shop

Another kitchen aid cover

Tried something new with a light brown linen.
The inside and quilted strip are Recess by American Jane for Moda.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Silly Saga of Shirring cont....

I'm throwing in a bit of downtown Sunday too. I was asked what there is to do on a Sunday. Walk, eat and make You Know Who take silly photos of me. If this doesn't sound like fun, stop reading now.
In the Calwer Passage, I love this spot.

He spotted this on the window and because I love  him, I did what he asked.
The opera house.
Me as a monster.

How do you think that yellow one snuck in?

He said I should go in this fountian so he could take photos of me, lovely photos. I said I would, if only I'd brought a towel along.

Doesn't she look like she is still wondering how this happened?
It makes me sad.

That's what we do downtown on a Sunday.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More Beach...

More fun beach pictures for all of you who can't visit on your own. This was one wierd jelly fish he was very hard and round and not dead... if you were wondering.
Incase you were also wondering what is in the water off of our coast here is another little guy who wasn't properly thrown back in after being caught by some fisherman.
This little guy is a baby hammerhead shark... yeah that makes you want to go for a swim huh?!?
He's pretty little...not in the least bit scary....and once again he's not dead... I don't pick up dead things (take pictures- yes, totally!)
After snapping a few pictures with him we got him back in the water... well I nicely released him and tried to let him swim but the waves were too rough so Uber tossed him out farther so maybe he would have a chance. Yeah I know the shark could grown up and bite someone but I have problems with our local fishers who throw back 95% of what they pull out of the water and a vast majority of them dont even toss the poor fish in deep enough water for them to swim.
And just for fun Brinkley being a circus dog!
And for those of you who want to see how fat I am here's a peek. Though I do have to say I look way larger here than I normally do I had just eaten a rather large meal... HAHA (but no really)

Next post involves crafting!

I ♥ Nicey Jane

So, unless you live in a cave, or don't love fabric beyond all comprehensible reason, you know about Heather Bailey's new line, Nicey Jane.  I did not expect to like this line as much as I do. None of the photos I saw really did it justice, until Jennifer sent me this link to true up with a dress Ms. Bailey made. Leave it to the designer to do it right.

I had to have this dress.

Or something close to it. Strangely enough I'd pulled out an old pattern just the week before, thinking I need to make this again only updated.....
Mom, Sherie remember this one? Yep, 1985, classic. All ya'll should have seen Kelly's lip curl when I showed her this. Too funny for words. Hopefully I have redeemed myself....

It didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted it to, but I love it all the same. If I'd taken the time to make a muslin (Lizy, do what I say not what I do) it would have been better. While trying to post this I found other photos of Ms. Bailey's dress here and here. I am thinking I may take the buttons down farther like she did. I truly hope she doesn't mind my copying her dress. It is not by any means the same. I think the front detail on hers is prettier. People will buy her pattern by the truckloads if she puts it out there. I know I'd be the first in line.

I hope everyone was out enjoying some of the blissful sunshine we had today!

Monday, April 19, 2010


So back in December I started playing with some hexagons but I didn't take it very seriously.
That's all changed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I live for weekends!

We are all sorts of busy around here filling up our weekends with fun get-togethers. It was overcast this weekend but last weekend we hit the beach. We went South to a beach Beau 'found' and enjoyed an afternoon of sun and water... if it hadn't gotten cold they wouldn't have been able to make me leave!
Brinkley was mostly all I took pictures of. He isn't really sure about the whole beach thing. Over all I think he likes it but...
the water kind of freaks him out. It took us a good ten minutes to coax him into sitting and it didn't last long.
He does like rolling in the sand though.
and getting the only spot in the shade.
he didn't seem a all upset about being half buried... eventually I am sure he will love it all.
Friday night we went to the opening game of Arena football. We had awesome seats and it was very entertaining we still aren't sure the ref's actually understood the game... but watching huge guys slam each other into the walls was hysterical...especially since we were close enought to see the facial expressions...

it was a total blow out. Jacksonville stomped Orlando everyone got free Arby's sandwiches which made the guys really happy.
No all of us but the closest I have to a group shot... This is just to get Beau back for the terrible photo he posted of me on facebook!
And this is just to show you that Uber and I are far too much alike... I didn't know they had taken this picture!
Last but most certainly not least. The 'dancers' I'm still not sure they knew where they were because the only way I can describer what they were doing was erotic dancing... no really they spent a good ten minutes on the field going through rather interesting poses... you wish I was kidding!
Alright I need to go do some crafting... if I can remember what that is!