Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Little Harvest

A few of the things my garden gave me this weekend. 
Not shown because they were eaten.... a few more tomatoes, a banana pepper, and about six hot peppers.
 Annoying me again are the nasty vine borers. They managed to wipe out most of my pumpkin plants (the ones with the pumpkins growing of course) and three more zucchini plants. I didn't realize it was happening until it was too late. It was a busy week like that. I managed to dig out one from a zucchini plant, maybe that plant will survive. They are gross bugs. 
I may reseed since it is early in the season.
This guy enjoyed checking out the baby pumpkins.
 I thought I might as well bring them in and enjoy them for a bit....
For more pretty garden stories (not just gross bug stories like mine) hit the button below.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hand Towels

What have I been doing you ask? (Or maybe you didn't.... )
I've been busy with this and that. 
Messing around with some other stuff...
It's just that blogging about it has seemed a bit beyond my capabilities lately. 
 In an effort to kick-start myself back into gear, I am sharing a couple of hand towels I made from a 
Denyse Schmidt fabric (DS03pineywoods) that I stole from Jessica.
 I embellished them with mini pom-pom trim and rick-rack.
Shown hanging from my new hooks courtesy of the clearance bin at our local Anthro store. There were three,  none exactly the same color. I guess that's why no one wanted them?
 Made me happy.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ribbon Storage

 We're still working on getting Mum's sewing room completely organized. This last weekend I made her get rid of her old ribbon storage ... it had no where to go in her new room. So I came up with this fast solution that uses the space behind her door 
Here's what we used
 Mark the center of each finial tip
 drill out a guide hole for your hook 
 screw in the hook
 I used a piece of fabric to protect the hook and pliers to make the job easier
 Using a level mark 1 to 2 inches in from either side of your dowel 
 Drill, insert anchor and screw in your finial
 fill up your dowels with your ribbon collection and hang
 The supplies for the two rows ran only $12 (she will be needing more rows)  
 Which seemed like a good deal to me since I paid more then that for half the storage for the system I bought from Michaels
Now if we could just get the rest of the room organized that fast!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

P is for pillow

This is for a little someone ... though it will be a while before she receives it because I am working on something else that needs to be sent with it.... There is really nothing better then initials and favorite animals! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Accessorizing my Clothes Line

We are still cloth diapering and it has been going great- except some minimal staining on some of the diapers so I finally got my act together and ordered a clothesline - it's awesome totally should have had this set up from the start
Uber had it installed in a few minutes. Now I just load the line up at night (we get morning sun on the deck) and by noon the next  morning the sun is off the deck and the diapers are all nice and white again
Now I wish I had more colored diapers... it's like having a banner strung up! If you are thinking about cloth I would completely recommend not purchasing white - I just had a gift card for target and it was the only color they had in stock... other then being boring I don't like that the outside sometimes gets stained - an issue I have never had with my colored diapers
I realized I needed someway to corral my clothespins I had a few ideas and I looked around for some inspiration-wow are there some interesting ones! And then I was talking to mom about it who described the my great-grandmothers and then I came up with this. 
 The hanger is a baby hanger that came on an outfit I received for Micah - I would love to find a source for it because it's small- about 9" across, super strong and is completely coated in rubber- perfect for outside
 It took 1/4 yard of outdoor fabric that I picked up at joanns. The solid fabric is Kona Cotton.
 It's on the shallow side but it easily holds about 50 clothespins
And I LOVE the way it looks out on the line!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Eagles (football)

A friend requested an Eagles growth chart.... everyone knows I am totally not a sports team person - but it's always fun to try something different!

 I really enjoyed the process... though it was time consuming... the design at least was a no brainer. I tried to make it look as close as I could to the pictures of their stadium that I found online.
 It's painted with acrylic on primed canvas and then I sealed it with a Matte Finish.
 Lots of fun to do... unfortunately I had to buy the canvas in bulk so now to figure out what to do with the remaining 4+ yards of canvas... I listed some of it in the shop... but I am sure you'll be seeing a lot more projects with it in the near future
 hopefully the new parents will enjoy it
And so the little one will be ready to dress for the games this next season a onesie was made
This was done using the usual freezer paper method-- I cut multiple layers of paper to print the different colors-- fun on a small item ...could drive you crazy though 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Playing catch up ... again

 Micah wants to show you his teeth 
(though I must admit they are a lot farther along now then this picture)
 We took him on his first kayak ride 
 It wasn't long but he seemed to enjoy it
 I enjoyed not having to pretend like I was helping

 unfortunately a crazy storm blew in and we all had to vacate the beach ... see the guy in the background? The wind and sand was out of control
 Uncle Kris came out for a visit-if you hadn't picked up on that- Micah and him had a blast
 He is now known as Mega Me... 
 Their similar expressions are uncanny
 And for all of you who don't have a beach near here's a gratuitous dolphin shot 
 And a fresh from a swim baby eating his first Ritz cracker
 And one for the road -- who knew the car seat could fit in the mini? 
Hope you all had wonderful weekend!