
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Emptying the Cupboard I

This will be the first of a few posts on finishing projects. I have this cupboard that Jess gathered all of my unfinished projects into and I couldn't get the door shut. It made me sad. She basically told me to either throw it away or get the silly things done. She can be tough but she did finish a rug for me to get me started. I whined a bit more and then I got started. This is my first finish, now I just need to remember how to go to the post office.

I could also have titled this, "Sorry I Didn't Answer the Phone Mom, I Was Working On Your Quilt" or maybe..... "Yes Mom, Your Quilt IS Done But No, It's Not In The Mail".
 Please, please ignore the lint.
When my mom was out for a visit last year she asked if I would make her a quilt for her guest room. I told her yes, but only if she'd help. So she decided she wanted a Turning Twenty, picked out her fabrics, helped me cut them up, and before she left we almost had the top done. I finished the borders fairly quickly and started quilting it, and then I started working  and my life went kinda topsy-turvy stopped. About two months ago with Jess, Micah and You Know Who keeping me company, I finished the simple (really?) straight line quilting. I used a blue variegated thread which made a nice grid pattern on the back. It finished out queen size with a bit of overhang, I hope..
I should have taken pictures of Micah and Grandpa "helping" me mark the lines... I hollered a lot, they thought it was funny. Sorry mom, even after a washing it'a a bit used (and still full of lint).
Oh, and Mom, it is in a box... I need to set it in front of the door so I won't forget to take it to the post office...

For those that are still reading, and asked where I work and what I do now, this is for you. Through a series of strange timing and weirdly connected events I am now working as an office manager for a small company that specializes in an area of building, both commercial and upper end residential. I really like it and if I can learn everything they need me to do in a timely manner, I think they'll really like me. No, it's not in the crafty creative vein that I love so much but it is a position where I take care of things and people, so now I concentrate on the part of me that likes organization. Judging from the first part of my post I've neglected that side a bit too long eh? It is funny though, I did manage to meld a bit of what I learned about display to make the books that hold the jobs legible. Such a little thing and it made me happy.


  1. YIPPEE, it's done! In a box! By the door! I KNOW it will be in the mail and in my guest room looking SO AMAZING BEAUTIFUL very soon......I super love it!

    As for your new 'walk in life', you are going to do such a incredible job that they will give you a humongous raise and a long paid vacation and then you can come and help me create a beautiful home!

    You can do anything Corinnea!

  2. Love this quilt. I'm sure your mum won't mind it being a tad late.

    Sounds like you have my job as I work as an office manager in a construction type firm. :-) Good Luck with it!

  3. Hooray for finished projects! Maybe someday I'll get to my unfinished ones... maybe. The new job sounds interesting! Glad it's something you can enjoy!

  4. You are at least a head of me, I can't even imagine gathering up all my unfinished projects! Good luck with your job, I am sure you will be fantastic.

  5. Thanks for explaining the job! And I'm so happy for you that you're finishing projects!!!

  6. That quilt is stunning. If you haven't got it addressed just put my address on it...sshhh, she'll never know. Hope the job works out well.


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