
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Quilt Collaberation

So, started a quilt for my guest room. As I was making the top, Jess started making a baby sized quilt with my extra, just because. Mostly because, this rail fence style quilt had been calling to her.
I think it's out of her system now.... ha ha.
I love it but I already have a big quilt in these fabrics that, no, is not yet finished.
The fabrics are mostly Michael Miller with  touches of Denyse Schmit, Riley Blake and Kaufman Kona.
I got distracted from finishing my big quilt, by making the quilt back for this one. Well, I got distracted by that and a few hundred other things. Simple straight line quilting finished it up.
It's always fun to work with Jessica. I am thankful for her energy Every. Single. Day.
We are putting this one up in our shop, hoping someone else will love it too.
Jess is not the only fantastic helper around my house.
P.S. Apologies for the blurry photos. I think I need a new lens. Or new eyes. Or both.


  1. I love this color combo, timeless but modern. The rate you guys churn out quilts is pretty amazing!

  2. I love this color combination!!!

  3. Maybe I need new eyes too because they didn't look blurry to me.... Just beautiful!!! :) I love those colors!

  4. You must be using my lens! although I didn't notice blurry in your pics but I need a new one too. These colors are timeless but modern (well said crafterhours!). I love it looove it!


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