I finished this project just before my mum and dad arrived....when I was supposed to be cleaning the house... but it turned out to be perfect timing because apparently the guys really like to play with them!

I had seen this idea a while back on a blog... not sure which one exactly but I saved the picture for inspiration and eventually found the source of the picture was this
etsy store. So if you would like to get your own I would highly suggest purchasing them from there- her prices are super reasonable.

Of course if you are nuts like me and have a bunch of beautiful wool felt that your awesome mother has sent you and decide to make your own I would recommend using these

I made a full set of upper and lower case, an additional set of vowels and 2 sets of 0-9... I have been informed though that more vowels are needed!

just when I thought I was done!

I have a lot more to show you I know I kind of dropped off for a while... and probably will again... but lots is going on... and eventually I will get pictures of it and show it to you!