First off I would like to say I have no idea where this idea came from... one day, a few months ago I decided I wanted to make a stump ottoman for Baby MAC's room... Why? I don't know. Anyway, I went through a lot of different ideas on how to do it - I even searched Etsy to see if it had been done already so I could get some ideas... unfortunately I totally struck out.... then I saw a post on Young House Love featuring a small storage ottoman they had bought at Target for a ridiculously cheap price and knew that was my best bet. I ran by Target and picked one up.
We got busy collaborating on what I was wanting and then she got to work sewing the whole trunk together. So all I had to do was the fun stuff! How awesome is that?
We didn't bother taking a lot of in progress pictures... so here's the final product and a brief run down of how we accomplished it.
Using the cylinder ottoman, we recovered the whole thing with 100% wool suiting that we washed in hot water, sliced into bark like pieces and sewed together; leaving the seams exposed to give it the raised look. We stuffed it with poly-fill it to give it a trunk like shape.