The rest of the day was pretty chill we did A LOT of walking not as much as I had planned but more then we should have done! Unfortunately for Uber he couldn’t get me fed fast enough after the tour and I turned into this I can be scary when I am hungry!!!! I was so hungry and so hot that I was seriously considering laying down in the street and sobbing... no joke it was THAT hot... I am seriously jealous of the 2 year olds who can get away with that... even matt was grumpy after we ate and cooled down in a restraunt we laughed about it but he said he was ready to go get in our car and go home (which is his version of throwing a tantrum.

But that was fixed and we continued our walk through over half of the squares. I really liked the Iron work they had going on! I want this gate! Uber was like Umm... that isn't going to keep anyone out... haha... yeah that's not the point...