Monday, May 31, 2010
I still do stuff!
A Travel Bag for Uber. We are going to be doing a bit of traveling so I finally took the five seconds to wipe this project out, it's been on my to do list for an embarrassingly long time! The outside is a dark chocolate heavy linen.
with blue seersucker lining.
I modified the pattern to have handles. I think it makes it look more guy-ish. It turned out really well... thank goodness! I would probably add the zipper tab back on if I do it again... wasn't thinking.
Something fun. The original photo on the cover of this book is mine (it has been HEAVILY photoshoped... hahaha) I am in no way even slightly pretending to be a photographer. Please don't ask me to take a picture.... ever!
Another long over due project completed. One I roped Uber into. It's a picture board for our church's building. It's off being stained by someone else now... ahhh it's nice to be pregnant when things need to be stained!
pattern sewing,
wood working
Mini Escape - Bodensee
You know who and I woke up Saturday and after realizing the weather wasn't so bad here in Stuttgart, thought we'd go ahead and try out the Bodensee for the day. Normally if it is decent here, it's spectacular there. This was our view during lunch.
We decided to go to the Pfahlbau musem. It was pretty cool. They did a nice job on the reconstruction.
And on a more crafty note.... I don't usually post fabric BUT....
Look. At. This!
Kelly and I finally made it to Hilco. Oh my! Don't tell you know who but I spent some money. A lot little. I hope to post soon with some of the product of my purchases. In the meantime, I just plan on sitting and looking at these mushrooms.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Baby Uber in Motion
**Disclaimer** this is another of the probably will only interest family post.
We went in and had a high def ultrasound done last friday (translation I actually have video this time) I had 15 minutes of video that I cut down to a little over 3 minutes. Which is still WAY too long! But I didn't want to cut too much out because the tech points things out that are kind of fun... of course I can't really explain to you what each thing is (It took me an hour to shorten it so adding text wasn't going to happen... sorry)
But just to give you a run down of what you will be seeing...
babies hear beat (will have audio)
babies heart and stomach (stomach is the big circle in the belly that disapears and then reappears, when it disapears that means the baby swallowed)
blood flow through babies heart chambers
babies arms, spine
babies corebellum
babies legs/hand
baby getting shaken so it will reposition
baby in a V
babies nose
babies eyes
counting the babies fingers
Someday I will craft again...
We went in and had a high def ultrasound done last friday (translation I actually have video this time) I had 15 minutes of video that I cut down to a little over 3 minutes. Which is still WAY too long! But I didn't want to cut too much out because the tech points things out that are kind of fun... of course I can't really explain to you what each thing is (It took me an hour to shorten it so adding text wasn't going to happen... sorry)
But just to give you a run down of what you will be seeing...
babies hear beat (will have audio)
babies heart and stomach (stomach is the big circle in the belly that disapears and then reappears, when it disapears that means the baby swallowed)
blood flow through babies heart chambers
babies arms, spine
babies corebellum
babies legs/hand
baby getting shaken so it will reposition
baby in a V
babies nose
babies eyes
counting the babies fingers
Someday I will craft again...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
More Baby Stuff
I stayed home today. I wasn't feeling great and after realizing that I'd sat for about a half hour just looking at the wall when I was supposed to be going to work..... I stayed home. I really don't like staying home when I don't feel good. I think the only time I am ever bored at home is when I'm sick. Especially when my head and face hurt like they are right now. Jennifer says it's the drastic changes in temperature that we've been having. I may be inclined to agree. After our two days at near 80 we are back down to 60.... with rain.... oh blah.....
I sewed.
It took me all day.
Did I mention my head hurt?
It made me happy though, sitting, sewing, thinking of having a model for this minature stuff I like to make.
Oliver + S Bedtime Story Pajamas, size small.
This is the yummiest, softest flannel we have in our shop, Kaufman "Cozy Cotton". I had a hard time finding something in my stash to trim it in until I spotted some of our newest line, "Multiple Choice" by Hoffman, that I'd bought the day it came in. Hope you like them as much as I do Jessica.
Instead of the ties on the sides that it calls for, I made small tabs and used snaps to close it. It's an issue I have with ties and babies....
Version 2
Are we bored yet?! Well this is mainly for family who is asking what the room will look like... I redid my inspiration board for my mum this morning because I have made some changes so I thought I would share it here.... because I have nothing else to show for myself! I actually have MANY things going on right now just nothing done that I am done with! Of course if I stopped redoing inspiration boards some of those other things might get done!

Monday, May 24, 2010
Dear Sherie,
Are we old enough to dress like twins yet? No? Oops.....
I found this gorgeous madras fabric in downtown Stuttgart Saturday. It is light and lovely and the fabric was wide enough for two dresses. Since I knew it would also go with my plum sweater (which I first saw on Jennifer and pretty much felt deprived of until I bought my own) I couldn't resist. Sherie, I hope you have a plum sweater too. Yes, it's another shirred dress. No, I don't care that I may over do this. Thank you.
Thanks Kelly for taking my picture!
I made this a bit back and could never get any decent photos. Sorry Jess for all the facelessness. My face just wasn't so hot this day. Anyway, it's reversible, with a crisscross back. Our uniform at work is an apron. We all make our own and put a bit of our own personality into each one. Most of the girls (yes they are all my girls) don't like the straps that tie behind the neck so I got it into my head to experiment. I used a wide grosgrain ribbon for the tie. Much less expensive and much quicker than a fabric tie and with all the gorgeous ribbon out there.... yum. So tell me what you think. Please be gentle with my fragile ego. Say things like, it would be pretty if it weren't so ugly. I'll get hung up on the pretty part and it'll save my feelings. Just kidding, I can take it.
I took the long way home today. Just because I like this view. Today I thought I'd share it with you even though it's kinda blurry.
It's finally top down weather, thank goodness!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
New Things
My grandbaby is a grandson! Jess and Uber found out Friday that the little Uber IS in fact a little Uber! Now that I know of course I had to sew something. I chose an Oliver & S pattern, big surprise.... the sandbox pants. Why is everything teeny tiny so cute??? I used a Kaufman corduroy, it's very soft, and for fun, a bit of Amy Schimler for the pocket linings and the waistband.
Yes, the pants are surrounded by more animals. Since you know who doesn't sew, this is his contribution. I think he has contributed about 20 new animals. He thinks he may be done. I'm not so sure.
Next is another dress for the baby mamma. I'll get these in the mail soon Jess, promise! This is more of Joel Dewberry's fabric line. I love the way this looks when it's shirred.
One of Heather Bailey's new patterns, Saturday Market bag, made for the shop. This was an easy pattern and I used the same fabrics she chose for her pattern cover in a different colorway. I love this fabric. L.O.V.E.
Last but not least, we had some sunshine this weekend. You know who and I managed to make it outside a couple of times. I think the sunshine didn't set too well with me on Saturday. After sitting outside for a couple of hours, not in the direct sun, I got a migraine and my face was not so pretty this morning. Can you become allergic to the sun if you don't get to see it for awhile?? This evening we went out again and so far I've had better results. I still stayed under an umbrella...
Friday, May 21, 2010
It's a....
We're VERY excited! And I am glad the baby cooperated with everyone and decided to be a boy because it was almost a unanimous vote with all our family and friends for boy.
The ultrasound pictures are rather boring so instead I thought I would share some inspiration pictures for what I am thinking about doing with the nursery... of course all of this is subject to change because I have 4-5 more months to finalize things... and there are so many neat possibilities!

We're VERY excited! And I am glad the baby cooperated with everyone and decided to be a boy because it was almost a unanimous vote with all our family and friends for boy.
The ultrasound pictures are rather boring so instead I thought I would share some inspiration pictures for what I am thinking about doing with the nursery... of course all of this is subject to change because I have 4-5 more months to finalize things... and there are so many neat possibilities!

I'm wanting to stay away from any themes... though of course when I am done I am sure there will be some sort of underlying theme... I'm just going for a more nature inspired/real animal look. Nothing baby-ish or cartoonish.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hard at work...
We should find out what baby uber is tomorrow morning... but I started this project Monday to get a head start just in case it's a boy (girl quilt will be the peacock one from last summer) And I am really glad I am done with the piecing because getting up and down from the floor just isn't comfortable anymore!
Uber picked the pattern (I gave him 3 options and this was his favorite) All the blues are different shirting material... which is much harder to find than you would think. My mum located almost all of it and finally just sent me some new men's shirts. Of course it would be better if you could use discards from your husbands wardrobe... but that wasn't a possibility for us... Uber didn't have anything that was worn out. Because of the lack of material I decided to do the alternating linen and shirting stripes.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Finally pictures of the beautiful clothing my mum made and sent to me. It took me longer to get the straps pinned and sewed on then it took her to make the entire dress... I am just so slow lately! I LOOVVVE this dress and the fabric- it reminds me of drapes (this is a good thing) which reminds me of the movie The Sound of Music when she sews clothing for the kids out of the drapes... and the mustard yellow color makes me so happy!
Uber was not doing a great job with the pictures so this is the best out of the bunch and I have no idea why I was pointing at the plant... I was trying to get the jasmine behind me in the photo to show my mum how huge it is. And I just realized that these are in the wrong order since I FINALLY got a hair cut... 7 months is too long to go without a hair cut! She had to chop a lot off to make it healthy... plus all the hair my stylist is cutting right now is being collected to make mats that will suck up the oil spill... not sure on all the details but hey why not give your hair for a good cause right?!
This skirt is great it feels like air on and is so comfortable to put on because it doesn't put a ton of pressure on my stomach. SOOOO nice ! The belly bands you can buy are great for extending your non maternity wardrobe but my stomach tends to hurt from all of the pressure by the end of the day!
Feel free to laugh at my need to keep the bottom of my pots clean... I know I have issues!
This skirt is great it feels like air on and is so comfortable to put on because it doesn't put a ton of pressure on my stomach. SOOOO nice ! The belly bands you can buy are great for extending your non maternity wardrobe but my stomach tends to hurt from all of the pressure by the end of the day!
My tiny garden is growing like crazy
And just for fun... hmmm fun maybe the wrong term... I came across this cleaner at Williams-Sonoma and had to try it out. This totally satisfies my OCD tendencies I have an awesome stainless steal cleaner that is environmentally friendly and does wonders for the inside of my pots but I couldn't get the bottoms of my pots clean (these stains long predate the cleaner and wouldn't budge). Bar Keepers Friend does an amazing job everything looks brand new again with very minimal scrubbing. I'm totally in love!

Feel free to laugh at my need to keep the bottom of my pots clean... I know I have issues!
pattern sewing
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