I went through a bunch of ideas on how to make one and couldn't find a solution that I was sure I would be happy with -then I saw this nursery post and knew that was it. She actually got hers from here (there are none currently for sale). I of course decided to just make mine...
I finally sat down and got started today. I was amazed it didn't take me long I started working on it this morning and finished up this evening. That included a bunch of breaks and a trip out to Michael's to get the things I didn't have on hand.... I wish all projects went this quickly...and smoothly! So the pictures aren't the best but I just had to share tonight so you'll have to deal until later. It isn't even hanging in the nursery so the walls are totally the wrong color- I think she will look a lot better on a light blue wall!
Her eyelashes crack me up...
I LOVE ribbon... I hope it doesn't make it look too girly I just could not pass up the beautiful peacock blue ribbon when I saw it. All of the ribbon reminds me of a military uniform
I am really excited about the way it turned out. I hadn't made a stuffed animal before and was a little nervous about totally making up the pattern but I have to say it was super simple.
Hopefully I will be able to show you more of the nursery in the next month... no promises though... it's kind of boring at this point I have a lot of things done but not enough to be interesting. I will continue to show you the projects I do complete which will start giving you sneak peaks at different parts of the room...